A new understanding of the B2B buying process is needed

Sales leaders often attribute this lack of customer access to a failure on the part of sellers to deliver enough value as part of a typical sales interaction. However, in studying ways to address this access challenge‚ Gartner research found a different reality altogether. The problem is rooted far less in reps’ struggles to sell and far more in customers’ struggles to buy.

Sellers have little opportunity to influence customer decisions

The ready availability of quality information through digital channels has made it far easier for buyers to gather information independently, meaning sellers have less access and fewer opportunities to influence customer decisions. In fact‚ Gartner research finds that when B2B buyers are considering a purchase‚ they spend only 17% of that time meeting with potential suppliers. When buyers are comparing multiple suppliers‚ the amount of time spent with any one sales rep may be only 5% or 6%.

The customers buying journey is hard

The typical buying group for a complex B2B solution involves six to 10 decision makers‚ each armed with four or five pieces of information they’ve gathered independently and must deconflict with the group. At the same time, the set of options and solutions buying groups can consider is expanding as new technologies, products, suppliers and services emerge. These dynamics make it increasingly difficult for customers to make purchases. In fact, more than three-quarters of the customers Gartner surveyed described their purchase as very complex or difficult.

Optimize your New Business in the 21st Century

Enable buyers by truly helping them completing buying jobs

Start with listening to your prospects instead of selling your product

Are you sure that you are achieving the most optimal new business results and your Sales is spending their time on the right activities and deals? Or do you believe you can still help them to be more successful since you still haven't a predictable forecast in place and the Sales Conversion Rate is below expectations? Time has changed, it is all about the customer journey and not in the first place about your product or service. Modern buyers have more information at their fingertips than ever before. And they still love to be personally interacted with taking care of their needs, both on- and offline. Create synergy with their customer journey and empower your Sellers with the best in class Sales Engablement software.

Engage with the customer journey and stay happily married with your proposition

Humanise Sales empowered by Technology. Save valuable time and win more valuable Deals. Gain real-time actionable insights in the Deals you need to spend time on, by engaging both Sellers and Buyers with SEEN©.

Enable both Sellers & Buyers and win that deal

Enable Sellers with software which don't make them think, provide them a 360ᵒ view on Deals, Stakeholders and which actions need to be taken within the Customer Journey of their Buyers.

Stand out from the competition by enabling Buyers with Informational Excellence within complex B2B buying processes.

New Business Sales 3.0

Generate New Business in its most optimal form in terms of efficiency, informational excellence, revenue and controllability. We brought the 21st Century Science of Sales within an end-to-end solution at the fingertips of your Sellers. And the great thing is that SEEN© has been build upon the Microsoft PowerApps platform, which ensures you scalabillity, flexibillity and agility to meet not only today's but also tomorrow's needs.


Feature SEEN© Light SEEN© Basic SEEN© Premium
Sales Process Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Stakeholder Engagement Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Checklist Tools Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Call Scripts 1 Unlimited
Meeting Agenda's 1 Unlimited
Proposition Evaluation 1 Unlimited
Engagement Flows 1 Unlimited
Email Engagement Unlimited
Engagement Content Unlimited